去国外玩害怕沟通障碍? 旅游英语口语300句帮你搞定!

2024-07-03 08:23



1. 机场篇:


Excuse me, I'd like to check in for flight number XXX. (不好意思,我想为XXX航班办理登机手续。)

May I see your passport and boarding pass, please? (请出示您的护照和登机牌。)

Is there any seat available in the emergency exit row? (紧急出口附近还有座位吗?)

I'd like to request a vegetarian meal. (我想点素食。)

2. 酒店篇:


I have a reservation under the name of XXX. (我预订了房间,名字是XXX。)

Could you show me to my room, please? (您可以带我去我的房间吗?)

Is there a swimming pool in the hotel? (酒店有游泳池吗?)

Is there a laundry service available? (酒店有洗衣服务吗?)

Could you recommend a good restaurant near the hotel? (您能推荐一家酒店附近的餐厅吗?)

3. 餐厅篇:


Could you please recommend a dish? (你能推荐一道菜吗?)

What kind of wine do you have? (你们有什么酒?)

I'd like to have a glass of water, please. (我想来一杯水。)

The food is delicious! (这食物太美味了!)

Can I have the bill, please? (请结账。)

4. 交通篇:


Where is the bus stop (taxi stand)? (巴士站牌(出租车招呼站)在那里?)

Could you take me to XXX, please? (请问可以带我去XXX吗?)

How much is the fare? (车费是多少?)

Please stop at the next corner. (请在下一个路口停车。)

5. 购物篇:


Where can I find XXX? (哪里可以找到XXX?)

How much is this? (这个多少钱?)

Can I try this on? (我可以试穿一下吗?)

Can I use my credit card? (我可以用信用卡结账吗?)

I'll take it. (我要了。)

6. 问路篇:


Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to XXX? (不好意思,你能告诉我怎么去XXX吗?)

Is there a bank nearby? (附近有银行吗?)

Where is the nearest subway station? (最近的地铁站在哪里?)

Can you show me on the map? (你能在地图上指给我看吗?)

7. 日常交流篇:


Thank you. (谢谢。)

You're welcome. (不客气。)

Sorry. (对不起。)

Excuse me. (打扰一下。)

I don't understand. (我不明白。)

Can you speak slower? (你能说慢点吗?)

I'm looking for XXX. (我在寻找XXX。)

Do you have XXX? (你们有XXX吗?)

How much does this cost? (这个多少钱?)

8. 旅游必备口语300句


场景 常用语句 翻译
机场 Excuse me, I'd like to check in for flight number XXX. 不好意思,我想为XXX航班办理登机手续。
机场 Where is the check-in counter? 办理登机手续的柜台在哪里?
机场 May I see your passport and boarding pass, please? 请出示您的护照和登机牌。
机场 Is there any seat available in the emergency exit row? 紧急出口附近还有座位吗?
机场 Could you help me with my luggage? 你能帮我拿一下行李吗?
酒店 I have a reservation under the name of XXX. 我预订了房间,名字是XXX。
酒店 Could you show me to my room, please? 您可以带我去我的房间吗?
酒店 I'd like to book a single room with bath from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10. 我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,从10月4日下午到10月10日上午。
酒店 What time is the breakfast? 早餐几点开始?
酒店 Is there a swimming pool in the hotel? 酒店有游泳池吗?
酒店 Is there a laundry service available? 酒店有洗衣服务吗?
酒店 Could you recommend a good restaurant near the hotel? 您能推荐一家酒店附近的餐厅吗?
餐厅 Could you please recommend a dish? 你能推荐一道菜吗?
餐厅 What kind of wine do you have? 你们有什么酒?
餐厅 I'd like to have a glass of water, please. 我想来一杯水。
餐厅 The food is delicious! 这食物太美味了!
餐厅 Can I have the bill, please? 请结账。
交通 Where is the bus stop (taxi stand)? 巴士站牌(出租车招呼站)在那里?
交通 Could you take me to XXX, please? 请问可以带我去XXX吗?
交通 How much is the fare? 车费是多少?
交通 Please stop at the next corner. 请在下一个路口停车。
购物 Where can I find XXX? 哪里可以找到XXX?
购物 How much is this? 这个多少钱?
购物 Can I try this on? 我可以试穿一下吗?
购物 Can I use my credit card? 我可以用信用卡结账吗?
购物 I'll take it. 我要了。
问路 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to XXX? 不好意思,你能告诉我怎么去XXX吗?
问路 Is there a bank nearby? 附近有银行吗?
问路 Where is the nearest subway station? 最近的地铁站在哪里?
问路 Can you show me on the map? 你能在地图上指给我看吗?
日常交流 Thank you. 谢谢。
日常交流 You're welcome. 不客气。
日常交流 Sorry. 对不起。
日常交流 Excuse me. 打扰一下。
日常交流 I don't understand. 我不明白。
日常交流 Can you speak slower? 你能说慢点吗?
日常交流 I'm looking for XXX. 我在寻找XXX。
日常交流 Do you have XXX? 你们有XXX吗?
日常交流 How much does this cost? 这个多少钱?



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