
2024-07-03 04:04


咱们得明确一点,景点英文表达可不能死板地用“the scenic spot”或者“the tourist attraction”啊,那样听起来多没劲!要学会灵活运用各种词语,才能让你的表达更地道,更有画面感!

1. 景点类别:

不同的景点,自然要用不同的词语来表达。比如,你想说“历史遗迹”,就不能用“tourist attraction”,而应该用更专业的“historical site”或者“historic relic”。


中文 英文 例句
自然景观 natural scenery The breathtaking natural scenery of the Grand Canyon is a must-see.
历史遗迹 historical site, historic relic The Great Wall of China is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
文化景点 cultural attraction The Forbidden City is a cultural landmark of China.
购物场所 shopping mall, shopping center The city's newest shopping mall offers a wide range of products.
美食街 food street The street is lined with various restaurants and food stalls.
主题乐园 theme park Disneyland is one of the most famous theme parks in the world.
艺术博物馆 art museum The Museum of Modern Art is an iconic landmark in New York City.


2. 景点描述:



Instagram-worthy spot (适合拍照的网红打卡地)

trending destination (热门目的地)


must-see attraction (必看景点)

iconic landmark (地标性建筑)


picturesque view (风景如画)

scenic spot (风景名胜)


breathtaking view (令人惊叹的景色)

spectacular scenery (壮观的景色)

3. 活用idioms,让你的表达更地道!


off the beaten track (人迹罕至的地方)

"If you're looking for something a bit off the beaten track, I recommend visiting the remote village of X."

a hidden gem (隐藏的宝藏)

"The small art gallery in the old town is a hidden gem, with stunning artwork."

a must-do activity (必做的事情)

"Hiking to the summit is a must-do activity when visiting this mountain."

a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (千载难逢的机会)

"Seeing the Northern Lights is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."


4. 掌握一些实用表达:

"What are some of the must-see attractions in this city?" (这个城市有哪些必看景点?)

"Could you recommend some off-the-beaten-track places to visit?" (你能推荐一些人迹罕至的地方吗?)

"Is there a good shopping mall in the area?" (附近有好的购物中心吗?)

"What is the most popular food street in this city?" (这个城市最受欢迎的美食街是哪条?)


想问问你,你最想去哪个地方旅行呢? 在你眼中,哪个景点是最值得推荐的呢? 来评论区分享一下你的旅行计划吧!

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