想去国外旅行,英语水平不够怎么办? 旅游英语,帮你解决语言障碍!

2024-07-18 06:38

去国外旅行,英语水平不够怎么办? 旅游英语,帮你解决语言障碍!






1. 机场篇:

1. 登机前:

"Excuse me, where is the gate for flight to" (请问去往航班的登机口在哪?)

"Can I have a window seat?" (我能要个靠窗的座位吗?)

"Can I have this seat?" (我能坐这个座位吗?)

1. 过安检:

"Excuse me, can you help me with this?" (不好意思,你能帮我看看这个吗?)

"I have nothing to declare." (我没什么要申报的。)

1. 取行李:

"Where can I find my baggage?" (我的行李在哪儿取?)

"I can't find my baggage. Can you help me?" (我找不到我的行李了,你能帮我一下吗?)

2. 酒店篇:

1. 入住:

"I have a reservation in the name of" (我有一个以名字预定的房间。)

"Can I see the room?" (我能看一下房间吗?)

"Is there a room with a view?" (有带景色的房间吗?)

1. 退房:

"I'd like to check out." (我要退房。)

"Do you need any help with your luggage?" (需要帮忙搬行李吗?)

1. 房间

"Can you change my room?" (你能帮我换个房间吗?)

"Can you fix this (broken light, leaking faucet, etc.)?" (你能修理一下这个(坏掉的灯,漏水的龙头,等等)吗?)

"Can you call a taxi for me?" (你能帮我叫辆出租车吗?)

3. 餐厅篇:

1. 点餐:

"Can I have a menu, please?" (请给我一份菜单。)

"What is the daily special?" (今天有什么特色菜吗?)

"I'd like to order the (菜名). " (我想点. )

"Can I have a glass of water, please?" (请给我一杯水。)

1. 结账:

"Could I get the check, please?" (请给我结账单。)

"Can I pay by credit card?" (我能用信用卡支付吗?)

"Can I have a take-away box?" (我能打包吗?)


"Can you recommend something delicious?" (你能推荐一些好吃的吗?)

"How much is this? (菜名). " (这个(菜名)多少钱?)

4. 景点篇:

1. 咨询:

"Excuse me, where is the (地名/景点)?" (请问在哪?)

"What are the opening hours?" (开放时间是什么时候?)

"How much is the admission fee?" (门票多少钱?)

1. 拍照:

"Can you take a picture of me?" (你能帮我拍张照吗?)

"Can I take a picture of you?" (我可以拍你一张照片吗?)


"Thank you for your help!" (谢谢你的帮助!)

"Have a nice day!" (祝你一天愉快!)

1. 常用的词组:

词组 英文 解释
多少钱 How much is it? 用于询问价格
哪里 Where is? 用于询问地点
什么 What is this? 用于询问东西或情况
请问 Excuse me 用于礼貌地引起注意
谢谢 Thank you 表示感谢
不客气 You are welcome 表示不用谢
对不起 I'm sorry. 表示道歉
我不知道 I don't know. 表示不知道
我想 I want 表示想要
我需要 I need 表示需要

5. 购物篇:

2. 询问价格:

"How much is this?" (这个多少钱?)

"Can you give me a discount?" (你能给我打个折吗?)

1. 挑选商品:

"Do you have this in a different color/size?" (有其他颜色/尺码吗?)

"Can I try this on?" (我能试穿/试用一下吗?)

1. 付款:

"I'll take it." (我买了。)

"Can I pay by cash/credit card?" (我能用现金/信用卡支付吗?)

1. 退货:

"I'd like to return this." (我想退货。)

"I'm not satisfied with this." (我对这件商品不满意。)

6. 交通篇:

1. 询问路线:

"Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to? (目的地)" (请问怎么去?)

"Where is the bus stop/taxi stand?" (公交车站/出租车停靠点在哪?)

1. 乘坐交通工具:

"One ticket to, please." (请给我一张去的车票。)

"I want to go to , please." (我要去, 请)

"Can you help me with my luggage?" (你能帮我一下行李吗?)

7. 紧急情况:

1. 求助:

"Help! (求救)"

"Can you call the police/ambulance?" (你能报警/叫救护车吗?)

1. 表明病情:

"I'm not feeling well. (我感觉不舒服)"

"I need a doctor. (我需要医生)"


"Excuse me, can you speak English?" (请问你会说英语吗?)

"I don't understand. (我不明白)"


1. 平时多积累: 即使不出国,也可以在日常生活中,比如看美剧、电影,学习一些简单的英文表达。

2. 利用碎片时间: 每天抽出几分钟,背诵一些常用词组和句子。

3. 模拟场景: 可以和朋友、家人一起模拟旅行场景,进行简单的英文对话练习。

4. 找老师指导: 如果条件允许,可以找专业的英语老师,进行一对一的学习和练习。



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